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Silvia Heemskerk

Let your light shine, welcome home to yourself.

My name is Silvia. I am highly sensitive, clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. Additionally, I have specialized in guiding highly sensitive children and adults. My mission is to help people come home to themselves and dare to feel how powerful they truly are.
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About Silvia Heemskerk

My name is Silvia. I am highly sensitive, clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. Additionally, I have specialized in guiding highly sensitive children and adults. My mission is to help people come home to themselves and dare to feel how powerful they truly are.

There can be many reasons why you don’t feel quite yourself: you’ve lost a loved one, lost your job, or maybe you have no idea why you’re feeling this way. In short, you feel stuck—sad, angry, uncomfortable, or very alone.

As an energetic HSP coach and medium, I am here to help you uncover the root of this resistance and work through it, so it becomes understandable and you can dare to feel what is longing to be felt.

Why choose me? If you no longer know how to move forward on your own and have decided that you`re ready to work on yourself. If you know that asking for help is okay and you are finally ready to take this step. With me, you can be yourself—I am here for you. I am open, honest, clear, and down-to-earth. You will receive my full support, and I will gladly walk this journey with you.




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