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General terms and conditions

Zuiverinzicht – Terms and Conditions

Zuiverinzicht.nl is a platform that connects spiritual consultants and clients. Consultants offer their services on a voluntary basis. Zuiverinzicht is part of Zuiverinzicht in Middelburg and facilitates this connection but does not act as a contractor. By registering and using the Zuiverinzicht website, you agree to these terms and conditions. Zuiverinzicht is not a subscription service.

Consultations and Insights

The consultations and insights provided by consultants on Zuiverinzicht are completely non-binding and are conducted at the consultant’s own discretion. The services offered are for consult purposes only, and no rights can be derived from the insights received.

Both consumers and consultants accept that Zuiverinzicht may monitor the data they provide and their behavior on the platform to detect possible violations of these terms and conditions.

Code of Conduct

What is not allowed?

  • Insulting or provoking other users.
  • Racism and discrimination.
  • Advertising or posting links to illegal websites or activities.
  • Creating multiple accounts to abuse discount codes. Extra credits obtained through second or additional accounts will be corrected.
  • Posting or linking to pornographic material.
  • Sharing personal data, such as address details, emails, chat conversations, and other private information not intended for third parties.

Measures for Violations

Depending on the severity of the violation, the following actions may be taken:

  • The editorial team may edit or delete messages without prior warning.
  • You may receive an official warning via email.
  • Your account may be blocked without prior warning. If your account is blocked, you will receive a notification via email. You may appeal within 14 days by contacting zuiverinzicht@gmail.com.

If you notice another user misbehaving, please report it to zuiverinzicht@gmail.com.


The use of Zuiverinzicht is entirely at your own risk. Zuiverinzicht is not liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the platform.

Content posted by participants on Zuiverinzicht is their own responsibility. The opinions and statements expressed on the platform do not necessarily reflect the views of Zuiverinzicht, the administrator, or the internet provider.

We do not guarantee that the information on Zuiverinzicht is suitable for specific purposes. All information, services, and products are offered "as is" without any guarantee of suitability or reliability.

We disclaim all liability for any direct or indirect damage related to the use of Zuiverinzicht, the temporary unavailability of the website, or any information obtained through the platform. Information on Zuiverinzicht may be modified at any time without prior notice.

Medical Advice

Consultants are not allowed to provide medical advice or make medical statements to consumers. 

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